As Artificial Intelligence (AI) evolves, it continues to push the boundaries of what was previously thought possible. One of the latest achievements in the field of AI is Google’s ability to teach it a language it wasn’t even trained on. This groundbreaking advancement has captivated the minds of AI enthusiasts worldwide and opened up new possibilities for the technology’s capabilities. In this blog post, we will explore how Google achieved this feat and what it means for the future of AI.

How AI Learned a Language It Wasn’t Even Trained on


Artificial Intelligence has made major strides in the field of language processing. However, there are still some limitations in terms of language-specific models. For example, a model trained using the English language may not be efficient when dealing with other languages. In this article, we will explore how AI has learned a language that it was not even trained on.

Google’s AI Language Learning Model

Google’s AI research team developed a model called “MUM” (Multitask United Model) that can understand and process multiple languages. It was trained on a variety of languages, including Arabic, Chinese, and Spanish. Interestingly, the model was also able to learn from websites in languages it had never seen before.

How MUM Works

MUM uses a unique approach to language processing called “cross-lingual information retrieval.” This method allows MUM to connect concepts and ideas between different languages. MUM can translate phrases and words from one language to another and then make connections between them to create a fuller understanding of the text. For example, if the model translates a phrase from Spanish into English and then into Chinese, it can identify the connection between the three languages.

Benefits of MUM

MUM is a significant step forward in language processing. It could transform how search engines, chatbots, and other AI applications operate across languages. With the ability to learn new languages, AI can better serve a global audience, breaking down language barriers and improving communication between people from different countries and cultures.


  1. What is AI language processing?
    AI language processing is the ability of a machine to understand, interpret, and generate human language.

  2. What is cross-lingual information retrieval?
    Cross-lingual information retrieval is a technique where a model is trained to retrieve information across multiple languages.

  3. What are some limitations of language-specific models in AI?
    Language-specific models can only process the language they were trained on and may struggle with other languages.

  4. How can MUM improve communication across languages?
    MUM can translate and understand multiple languages, allowing it to break down language barriers and improve communication between people from different cultures.

  5. How might MUM be used in the future?
    MUM could transform how search engines, chatbots, and other AI applications operate across languages. It could also help in language translation, speech recognition, and content generation.


Language processing has traditionally been a challenge for AI. However, models like MUM are changing the game. With the ability to learn multiple languages and connect concepts between them, AI is unlocking new possibilities for communication and understanding. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect to see more breakthroughs in language processing that benefit individuals and businesses worldwide.